a decentralized platform to revolutionize the email marketing market


EMMARES project tries to provide the solution for those entire problems above. This project utilizes the latest popular system, Blockchain, and integrates it with email marketing system. Just by using Blockchain system, actually, this project has successfully solved half of the problems. Then, with its right implementation, we believe that EMMARES will become the starting point, where better and more effective email marketing system will bear in this world.

The Problem

The first problem is the recipients. Marketers can’t determine if the recipients really need their product or service. So, marketers just send more messages to more people, with a hope that the message can affect the recipients and turn them into the customer. However, most of the messages are sent to people that don’t have any interest to it whatsoever. This will only make them feel disturbed and block the campaign.
The other problem is the quality of the content that was marketed through email. We can control it and marketers can easily send anything to their customer, even if the message isn’t that effective for marketing. This will only give many disadvantages for party, marketers, and recipients.

What Can EMMARES Do?

The community-based system really changes how email marketing works. With this system, EMMARES try to provide an environment that will beneficial for marketers and recipients. They also provide the token system, which can be received as the reward by contributing to this system. The way to contribute is giving an evaluation.

The recipients will evaluate how good the marketing campaign that marketers do within this system. This will give recipients tokens as rewards. On the other hand, the marketer that receives many good evaluations will also receive the token as rewards. This will help to maintain the quality of the marketing content from the marketers. So, there won’t be any spamming marketing or useless message and content.
Token System
Just like another Blockchain-based project, EMMARES also provide token. This token can be bought from their ICO event this year. On this event, there will be 51% of total token that their team will release. You can buy it to be used later when this system is fully launched. You also can get tokens from other methods, such as opening the new account and register as the user of EMMARES.


EMA Token Distribution

Token distribution;
51 % Presale and crowdsale
23 % New account opening incentives pool
17% Founders and team
5% Reserved for future strategic partners, ambassadors
3% Pre token crowdsale contributions, advisors
1 % Bounties
The bounty program is valid till 19th of April or until the pool is utilized (whichever is first).
Pre-sale: Mar 1st, 2018 — Mar 15th, 2018
ICO: Mar 19th, 2018 — Apr 19th, 2018
Token: EMA
Total tokens supply: 500.000.000 EMA
Tokens for sale (pre-ICO & ICO): 255.000.000 EMA
Soft cap: 2,000,000 USD
Hard cap: 22,500,000 USD
1 EMA = 0,12 USD
1% from total token supply = 5.000.000 EMA
Bounty will be split in two parts:
Precio and ICO bounty 50%: 2.500.000 EMA
Globalization launch & bug bounty 50% : 2.500.000 EMA


Combining Blockchain technology with email marketing is indeed good and innovative decision. Blockchain will become the backbone of the future system. Therefore, this project will bring email marketing to next level and it’s also preparation for the future. So, it’s the good investment. With this system, you will ready for the future system, plus this system will increase the effectiveness of email marketing multiple folds which make the business world become much better in the future.

Maybe that's all I can tell for more information you can visit the link below :

ETH address: 0xB3762449851ACCC7971Cb78497f6909417d1De91
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