Ecoinomic Digital Platform Providing Traditional Financial Services To Cryptocurrency

Ecoinomic is a Financial Service Platform Decentralized governance for the community of Crypto. According to my personal idea and the idea of this very Ecoinomic interesting, why? because as we know the value of a currency trend Trends crypto is not all rosy. On the one side, people need the money to develop. on the other hand, the holder of the crypto focuses on asset preservation their crypto. Occasional updates on mining require hardware. In this space, expensive treatments.
On the other hand, the holder of the crypto asset preservation focuses on them. It is based on the expectations of that its value will grow more in a short time. Smart Crypto people will not have the track record to show it much, as concerns the bank account. For day to day expenses get a loan from the bank is not easy also. The real problem is you can't get a loan by presenting crypto assets as collateral. Financial institutions do not
agree on the same thing. To learn more about the project see Ecoinomic article I wrote the following:

What Is A Ecoinomic?

You certainly ask what the heck Ecoinomic it? eCoinomic is a digital platform that provides
financial services for owners of crypto, including investment, asset management, barter, transfer, and many more.

How it works


The Loan Was Not Closed

About the eCoinomic token

Token eCoinomic (CNC) is token utility ERC20, based on blockchain Ethereal. The purpose of the token CNC is paying a service fee on the digital platform eCoinomic. To assess the capabilities of the platform, the user must go through a simple registration process. Furthermore, in the newly created private account, users need to add the token to the CNC Caledonia to gain access to the selected service. The balance of the personal account can be recharged in two ways: with the transfer token CNC previously purchased at ICO and crypto on the stock or by purchasing token CNC with a fixed price on an eCoinomic platform.

After the launch of the project, the value of the token eCoinomic on the platform will be determined based on the market because the price will be based on the exchange of CNC + 20%. For example, for a loan amount of 10,000 USD, a service fee will be 60 USD, reflected in the CNC token. If the price of 1 token CNC equal to 1 USD, its costs will be 60 CNC token. If the price of 1 token CNC equals 10 USD, the cost will be the 6 token CNC. Various services and the growing popularity of the project will ensure a constant request token and their turnover will be in the platform.

ICO Details:

ICO Suррlу: 5.000.000 tоkеnѕ аvаliаblе fоr Pre-Sale, 63.000.000 tоkеnѕ available fоr рurсhаѕе during Public ICO 
Tоtаl Supply: 150.000.000 
Aссерtеd сurrеnсу: BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC, DASH, XMR, BTG, ETC, NEO 


0.50 USD 
ICO Stаrt Date: 2018-05-01 
ICO End Dаtе: 2018-06-01 
The ICO Sоft Cар оf 9.000.000 USD inсludеѕ аll expenses related tо рrоjесt launch. Thе nеxt 13.000.000 USD will сrеаtе аn inѕurаnсе fund to inсrеаѕе thе аttrасtivеnеѕѕ оf thе рrоjесt fоr invеѕtоrѕ. The next 13.000.000 USD will create a аn operating fund for iѕѕuing lоаnѕ tо launch thе firѕt stage оf the project, асhiеvе ѕеlf-ѕuffiсiеnсу, and рurѕuе further development. Onсе the vоlumе оf portfolio lоаnѕ rеасhеѕ 100.000.000 USD, thе operating fund will bе converted intо an inѕurаnсе fund and will increase tо 26.000.000 USD.

Maybe that's all I can tell for more information you can visit the link below :

ETH address: 0xB3762449851ACCC7971Cb78497f6909417d1De91
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