Platform Decentralized Data Marketplace with Technology Blockchain

What is DATUM ?

Datum is the market data user decentralized and distributed with the great book of support by blockchain. Datum enables to save user data generated trade data, such as social media, internet activity, health and wellness data the application data and also data from wearables, House, car and smart device IOT safely, privately and anonymous. With the technology applied by Datum allows individuals can reclaim ownership of their personal information so that they can sell directly to their own business.

Datum Official Bounty Program

Token name: DAT
Total bounty budget: 30 Million DAT tokens = 3000 ETH (ICO price)
Exchange rate: 10’000 DAT = 1 ETH (ICO price)
Sale begin: October 29  2017 13:00 GMT.
Sale end: on November 29 2017 13:00 GMT.

Distribution of rewards:

Facebook Campaign: 20% (6 Million)
Twitter Campaign: 20% (6 Million)
Media Campaign: 30% (9 Million)
Translation Campaign: 10% (3 Million)
Avatar/Signature Campaign: 20% (6 Million)

or you can order  to be part of the Datum Token Sale we are distributing free DAT tokens 
Earn up to 500 DAT Tokens for sign up here.

if you need more information you can visit link below :

website :
Eth adress : 0x6833A4af196815C487105B2164DF0d756De0B881

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