LockChain is a Marketplace Dealing 0% Commission on Bokings

are you a traveler ?
If Yes, here I will explain about the platform that will greatly assist you in traveling wherever you want, here anbda need not be confused looking for hotels and vacation spots.

what is LOCKCHAIN ?

Lockchain is a platform for hotel bookings and holiday renting market dealing 0% Commission on the application. LockChain is a marketplace with direct connectionto the decentralized LOC ledger. Our Marketplace is an invariable part of the Lockchain ecosystem. It will be the first integrated application that will provide a user-friendly access to accomodation users. the platform adopts blockchain technology created to make it easy for hotel and property holders can rent their property universally. Lockchain has all the facilities for the procedures of payment and property control. The goal is actually to make it easier for property owners to rent their places around the world.

Strategi Lockchain:

LockChain memiliki beberapa strategi yang akan digunakan untuk pemasarannya :
  • mengadakan penggalangan dana dengan mengeluarkan LOC token
  • membuat tempat pasar yang meliputi : web browser dan aplikasi mobile.
  • peluncuran LockChain ledger mesin.
  • penambahan penyedia akomodasi yang menyediakan kamar hotel dan properti ke pelanggan.
  • mengumpulkan lebih banyak pemilik properti yang tersebar di dunia.
  • membuat kontrak dengan akomodasi perangkat lunak integrator untuk membuat portofolio klien.
  • memberikan harga yang unik agar menarik pelanggan. Itu harus lebih rendah daripada yang lain tapi diuntungkan pelanggan maupun penyedia akomodasi.
  • memberikan pelayanan yang memuaskan agar pelanggan setia menggunakan LockChain.
LockChain have a roadmap :

The LOC Token

lOC Token sale :

Ticket Symbol : LOC
Token Background LOC is built as an ERC20 token on the Ethereum blockchain
Target Raise 20,000 ETH
HardCap 32,000 ETH
Scheduled Start 16:00 GMT on 29th of October 2017
Planned End 23:59 CET on 30th November 2017

Token Sale Details

Start: 16:00 GMT on 3rd of October 2017 
Ends: 23:59 CET on 29th of October 2017 or if Pre-sale hardcap reached 
Hard-cap: 50.000.000 LOC 
Fixed Pre-sale price: 1 ETH = 1.000 LOC 
Pre-Sale Price Levels 
Up to 10.000.000 LOC sold: 750 LOC for 1 ETH at Main Sale 
10.000.001–20.000.000 LOC sold: 700 LOC for 1 ETH at Main Sale 
20.000.001–30.000.000 LOC sold: 650 LOC for 1 ETH at Main Sale 
30.000.001–40.000.000 LOC sold: 620 LOC for 1 ETH at Main Sale 
40.000.001–50.000.000 LOC sold: 600 LOC for 1 ETH at Main Sale 

Main Event 

Start: 16:00 GMT on 29th of October 2017 or upon reach of pre-sale hardcap 
Ends: 23:59 CET on 1st of December 2017 or if hardcap is reached 
Total Tokensale Hard-cap: 105.000.000 LOC — All unsold LOC will be destroyed

The LOC token is an invariable part of our ecosystem and will be the utilitty token that gives access to both clients and hotel owners to the decentralized LOC ledger. When you buy LOC, you unlock full service abilities of our decentralized booking marketplace. It will be the mean to book hotel and accommodation stays, property rentals, and associated services.

lockchain supported by a solid team and competent in their fields, so you don't have to doubt and afraid to invest in the project. for more information you can visit link below :

eth adress :  0x6833A4af196815C487105B2164DF0d756De0B881

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