PaypereX The world's first alternative share market

What is PaypereEx ?

PayperEx is that the package for integrated management, style and technology analysis business that supported you supported blockchain and one application for all business processes.

main power PayperEx?
  • Low value notes to shop for Paypers
  • The power to trade on the trend up and down.
  • Typical structures Division of cost prices we will
    pay for the network paid back to the holder of the payer's letter.
  • Wallet payment service that allows users to send and receive funds
    It's easy and safe with full management over their money.

Our network decentralizes the financial markets by creating alternative care associates in the relationship network of victims of blockchain technology.

THE Opportunity

Market share and cryptocurrency industry square size is growing at a rapid rate. Trade cryptocurrency market capitalization is currently over $150 billion!

THE Resolution

PayperEx has created "Paypers"-the stock was designed in the size of the square blockchain reasonable technology enter into this market.

PayperEx network decentralizes the financial markets by creating other blockchain technology trading network exploitation. Our goal is to deliver us from the world of opportunity that everyplace is honest, easy and cheap for urgent pleasure of the benefits of the financial markets by buying "Paypers" share based a large part of the unit. The use of blockchain technology will result in our network safe and clear.

Platform options

PayperEx personal wallet, was:

  • Peer-to-peer payments service that permits individuals everywhere the globe to send and receive funds in an exceedingly straightforward and secure method with full management over their cash.
  • Buy/Sell Order Book, innovative matching engine engineered on blockchain technology permitting users to check all obtainable orders.The Order Book are going to be updated in real time, giving the user a {transparent} and transparent read of the market activities
  • Future Orders, get full management of your commerce.

PAX Token

The salutation Token is issued by PayperEx and is that the only 1 used on the PayperEx network. every activity within the PayperEx network is performed victimisation salutation, creating the token associate integral a part of the network and therefore the driver of its economy. In any activity dole out on the network, salutation is transferred from one participant to a different. the utilization of a blockchain technology confirms that every salutation was transferred just once. salutation tokens
have many usages on our Network :

PAX is needed so as to participate within the PayperEx network.
A Paypers worth is measured in salutation.
“Payper Fee Share” payments square measure distributed in salutation.
Trading fees square measure charged in salutation.

The salutation Crowdsale

Start date : August 21, 2017
Stop date : Dec 19, 2017
Token Sale Pool: the amount purchasable are going to be the amount which will stay from the presale and a most of 4,000,000,000 PAX.
The base value of one salutation throughout the token sale are going to be 0.00002 Bitcoin (BTC).* The minimum purchase amount at the token sale is a 100 salutation.**
The token sale can run till all all tokens square measure sold , or for a most of 19 days. Any remaining tokens are going to be off once the token sale ends.

Road map

If you need more information you can visit link below :
Eth Adress : 0xB3762449851ACCC7971Cb78497f6909417d1De91
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