Paypro-Decentralized Bank with Eco-System

What is PayPro ?

PayPro is a decentralization bank created to manage alternative eco systems wherever costs area unit given to new structures attributable to good Contracts. Therefore, PayPro could be a business center related to decentralization wherever every dApp will post its administration. we tend to are building a billfold wherever purchasers have the capability to store digital cash forms and sign the ERC-20.
After we tend to collect PayPro, purchasers are fit  get eliminate ETTH, BTC or GAS, for instance, and utilize a poster center to include resources into the crowdfunding stage, for instance. additionally, offers earned  from interest in these token varieties also will be removed in PayPro. Therefore, all individual crypto and liability sources are invited to speak on PayPro.
From that have, we tend to shortly learned that the payments / banking system was wholly superannuated. Thus, we tend to shortly completed that we tend to had to create a success if we tend to wished supply a really riotous worth proposition if we tend to wished to alter the business. this is often why we tend to began to hear the market, speak with industry’s consultants and do plenty of check and fail. And this is often however we tend to created PayPro: the primary suburbanized bank engineered.


The business center of PayPro can work as suburbanized applications, additionally referred to as dApp. in keeping with David Jonhston, a dApp should meet many criteria to be thought-about so as to contemplate all things :
  • Applications should be created open supply, has to work on its own and is a component} of a bigger token can not be controlled by the element. additionally, the projected upgrades and criticism of the market could also be tailor-made within the Convention.
  • Keeping in mind the final word goal to urge the appliance and respect of commitments to compensate miners or cryptographical token, customers area unit vital.
  • The token should be created as a symptom of the rewards that area unit generated on the appliance.
  • The suburbanized Blockchain ought to be wont to store info and operative records keeping in mind the final word goal to avoid the matter of major disappointments.

Product PayPro

  • Wallet : Our initial stage of development when closing the Token Sale can consist on group action Ethereum so as to create a billfold. This billfold are capable of storing all major crypto-currencies and every one tokens bought at our marketplace.
  • Marketplace : when the billfold has been engineered, we are going to begin acting on a marketplace wherever any suburbanized financial-application are capable of simply submitting their service to the portfolio. Users can rate and review services so as to form a ranking of suppliers.


Token name PayPro

-Symbol Token : PYP
-Pre-sale amount 8 January till 15 January 2017
-The term pre-sales Investment min 15 ETH
-Pre-sale bonus bonus up to 35th

Main sales amount.

-15 January-31 January
-The term major Investment sales min 0.5 ETH
-Bonus 1, 24 hour main sales 20%
-First week 15%
-second week 10%
-Exchange rates 1 ETH: 500 PYP
-The limit of 20,000 ETH (Hard Cap) or a EUR 5,000,000.00 counting on exchange rates.

Currencies area unit accepted just for ETH.
The token holder advantages call & economic rights. book token sold 40% of nationalities anyone except Singapore, Baltic State and also the u.  s. because of legal restrictions or country trade is approved by the U.S.

Token sale structure :

Time line Paypro :

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