Robotics-a branch of a disruptive technology


All areas of human endeavor. However, Robotics-a branch of a disruptive technology is still on the way to intervene in the innovation process as a whole. From  "robot Assistant " to keep the House, unmanned aircraft and even a robot similar to humans (Sophia, first robot are given citizenship, Saudi Arabia, 2017) is increasingly becoming an integral part of everyday life. So is the function. Robotics is set to become the next revolution, but the market still does not interfere, however.

Kepler is here to create a decentralized ecosystem that builds robots and AI combine with blockchain technology in an innovative way to solve the world's problems.
This network will ensure the liquidity of these cards by supporting it with real assets such as land, construction sites, lab, products, schools, market, university, and campus.

Kepler will create an asset-backed security platform will free up the market, using predictive science algorithms, analysis, and data.

Kepler was blockchain Georgia-based startup that aims to create a platform where AI and Robotics developer can all meet and use technical and financial resources they need in bringing their discoveries will alive.

The platform focuses on accelerating take Robotics and AI to the next level through global technology markets and collaborative systems.

With the use of data analytics, predictive science algorithm placed at blockchain, Kepler technology will bring decent investment opportunities for investors, through highly illiquid assets tokenized.


KEP Token

The innovative platform KEP token is the driver behind all the voting and funding on the ecosystem. The public can choose and fund each project through the evidence of this utility. KEP the Token will be used to incentivize behavior on the platform are decentralized. It will also let users buy the product discount, vote for or against the projects to be developed and proposals received funding.

KEP Token ERC20 standard signs which are used to fund the project through a voting mechanism to make money, which requires users to vote in a certain amount established by contract is smart.

Maybe that's all I can tell for more information you can visit the link below :

ETH address: 0xB3762449851ACCC7971Cb78497f6909417d1De91
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