Developing Games In The Gambling Industry JOY

How JoyToken works

Developing games in the gambling industry can be a difficult and long process; with low royalties, regulatory requirements and. The larger game developers have their own internal game development team and with just a few smaller game developers with limited access to this growing market. Likewise, the end user. Online games that offer little transparency to their players.
In addition, this seed developer business model can not fight all potential players; overcoming the millennium, who want more gameplay experience; including financial anonymity, trust, and transparency.

Our vision

Smarter games for smarter players
JoyToken strives to provide new and existing casino gamers with smarter games by providing innovative and creative game developers with easy access to our one-stop solution operator. JoyToken does this in four easy steps:
Easy game and hosting integration with game development system we have tested and tested.
Refund to the developer account. JoyTokens.
All relevant regulatory requirements and conditions are taken into account by us.
Market access immediately through our own online casino site: PlayCosmo Casino is licensed in the UK, Malta, and Curacao and allows developers to test their games before common releases in other casinos.
All this is possible with the use of new and unique JoyToken, Cryptocurrency, which lets developers pay and get paid for their games, while end users can play Joy Gaming games on PlayCosmo and, finally, on many other sites. And of course, JoyToken benefits from blockchain technology and thus transparency. This last point is the most exciting because it has never been done before and will open up new markets for potential players who want total trust, anonymity, and transparency; Everything is delivered through blockchain technology.



Token Role: Joy Joy Game, Buy Game Development API, Wagering in Cheap 
1 December 2017 14:00 UTC - 13 February 2018 14:00 UTC 
Sold Token 
27 February 2018 17:00 UTC - 29 March 2018 17:00 UTC 
Supply: 700,000,000 JOY 
Price: 1 JOY = 0.20 USD 
Hardcover: 46,340,000 USD 
Sheet Sheet: $ 1,000,000 

Received Currency:

Distribution Date Token ETH, BTC and Wire Transfer: Mar 29, 2018 Issue Level 
: There can be no new token will be made 
20% pre-sale 
30% of token sales 
10% bonus pool 
23% sold in 
team compiler 12% stage (3 years vesting) 
3% ambassador
2% token gift for sale

Token Structure

 Advance Purchase 
December 1, 2017 2:00 UTC by February 13, 2018 2:00 UTC Sales token February 27, 2018 5:00 UTC Presale tokens Distribution 20% 30% 10% Selling Tokens Swim Sold Sold 23% bonus on platform 12% founding team (3 years retention period) 3% ambassador 2% token sales premium using fund 30% development 40% partnership 15% operation 10% marketing 5% legal and security 

This token structure is based on pre-sales of 140,000,000 JOY. The pre-sale amount changed as the request and token structure completed at the end of pre-sale. Please see here for all changes.
Token Role Enable 
access to the Joy Gaming Protocol, Purchase Game Development API, bet in selected countries
To give 
700 million JOY
1 JOY = 0.20 USD
Maximum target 
Hard Cap: 46.340.000 USD
Seal soft: 1,000,000 USD
Currency received 
ETH, BTC and bank transfer

Token distribution date March 29, 2018

Emission level No new token will be created
Unsold tokens from previous rounds will be moved to the next round. Token sales will automatically go into the next round if the token is sold out in the previous round.
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ETH adress: 0xB3762449851ACCC7971Cb78497f6909417d1De91

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