International Platform Connecting International Travelers

What is MeetnGreetMe ?

MeetnGreetMe may be a international platform connecting international travelers and native individuals for obtaining personal caretaker services and modus vivendi management. Contact and rent native individuals as your personal assistants to require care of your desires once you travel.

MeetnGreetMe may be a crowdsourced travel caretaker service and modus vivendi management system wherever each someone will request services tailored to their travel desires and budget. Delivered by capable native individuals and paid via blockchain enabled P2P payment system.

MeetnGreetMe system

MeetnGreetMe has been started as a peer-to-peer marketplace around one core worth - creation and transfer of customized travel caretaker services between peers.

After it had been launched individuals with completely different skills and initiatives from round the world began to be a part of the platform to contribute to its growth. nowadays MeetnGreetMe may be a community -centric and -driven business and anyone is welcome to participate in accordance with their interests - as a MeetnGreeter, ambassador, author or co-creator, photographer etc.


Adapting the blockchain technology can permit MeetnGreetMe to own its own suggests that - MeetnGreetMe crypto-token - to incentivize contributors and reward the activities connected with the platform growth and development.
MeetnGreetMe crypto-tokens ar geared toward fuelling MeetnGreetMe system. Besides, the blockchain enabled payment system can permit to exclude a expensive middleman from the money transfer method in future, build it clear and convenient for the parties regardless their geographical location.

To make it potential to reward all the MeetnGreetMe players for his or her contribution, not simply MeetnGreeters, own crypto currency is introduced - WelcomeCoin, or WEL. A share of WelcomeCoins is reserved to stay contributors’ initiatives going and thus fuel MeetnGreetMe growth.

WelcomeСoin makes it potential to incentivize MeetnGreetMe users to play completely different roles whereas all at once contribute to the system development and accelerate the expansion of the MeetnGreetMe platform round the world.



The exact date of the most crowdsale are going to be outlined later and can get on throughout four weeks.
ICO can have a minimum cap of 1 000 000 USD.

Early contributors can get a bonus. The bonus rate can drop with every week, beginning at 11th of September and ending with 0% on the last week of the crowdsale.

Token WEL

150,000,000 WEL are going to be issued with 75,000,000 WEL out there throughout the crowdsale. It’s a one-time emission.

Pre-sale starts on 11 December 2017 (9.00 AM EST)
Soft cap1,000,000 USD / 10,000,000 WEL
Hard cap7,500,000 USD / 75,000,000 WEL
Accepted Currencies ETH
Token exchange rate1 WEL = 0,0004 ETH
1 WEL = 0,10 USD


Distribution of Raised Funds

All funds raised throughout the crowdsale are going to be allotted to support the additional growth of MeetnGreetMe with specialise in selling activities directed to growth and enlargement, platform advancing and community development

for more information you can visit the link below :

whitepaper :
ETH adress: 0xB3762449851ACCC7971Cb78497f6909417d1De91
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